Have questions? Call: 864-344-0529 The Reclaimed Materials Experts

Unmatched beauty and rustic Mediterranean charm are combined in this exclusive, hand selected reclaimed limestone stone floor from France.  Our suppliers reclaim these antique flooring stone slabs from all corners of the Bourgogne region in France.  These antique Dalle de Bourgogne slabs with their smooth worn surface, faded chisel marks and hand hewn edges are proof of their age which could date back several hundred years.  Colors range from taupe and creams to sand, browns and blonde giving your floor a truly random and custom appearance without losing its authentic nature and feel.  Stone slabs are cut to 1 1/4″ thickness and will arrive in random sizes and colorations.  Vintage Elements can preselect the reclaimed slabs between a more refined surface for interior installations or a more rustic patina for exterior applications.  Stone will withstand mild freezes but we recommend to consult us and led us recommend the right sealer for this stone.


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